Check out our frequently asked questions below

1. Why Does My Vet Do That? - Answers to common questions about veterinary care in general.

When it comes to your pet's health, nothing can replace your veterinarian's advice. However, there are times when you want to do your own research. It's important to be informed so you can be an advocate for your dog and help keep your dog healthy.

If you find that you have a veterinary medical question, it's natural that you want to search online. After all, it's what we often do when we have a question about any topic. However, it's important to remember that not all the information you find online is accurate, no matter how believable it sounds.

2. When Should I Call The Vet? - Is my pet really sick, or should I wait to call the vet?

We often get phone calls from clients who are concerned about the symptoms their pet are showing, but are unsure whether it is a sign of something more sinister or if things will resolve on their own. Animals are very good at pretending to be well and only showing a few subtle signs that there is any problem at all.

Outlined below are 10 of the most common illness symptoms we often see in pets.

  1. Vomiting and diarrhoea
  2. Lumps or bumps
  3. Limping
  4. Bad breath
  5. Coughing
  6. Appetite or drinking changes
  7. Urine or defecation changes
  8. Eye or ear problems
  9. Itching / Skin irritation
  10. Lethargy / Change in demeanor or activity levels

In general, if your pet is showing any of these signs or you are not sure, it is best to make an appointment with your veterinarian for a thorough check over to identify the possible cause of the symptom and assess the best treatment plan. 

3. Itching, Scratching, and Hair Loss - Why does my pet itch?

Skin disease is the most common reason dogs and cats visit their veterinarian. Hair loss and scratching are two of the most common manifestations of both canine and feline skin disease.

Many different diseases can cause skin disease, but the skin of the dog or cat can only react to disease in a limited number of ways. As a result, many of the diseases that cause skin problems in dogs and cats also cause similar symptoms and look identical to one another.

In order to be able to successfully diagnose and treat your dog or cat for scratching and hair loss, your veterinarian will likely need to perform some basic laboratory testing.

4. Anal Sac Disease - What do to when your pet scoots!

A pet scooting or dragging the hind end on the carpet, grass, or your favourite rug is something many pet owners encounter. It is more common in mid to smaller sized dogs, but occasionally it's seen in larger dogs or cats and in overweight pets.

Both dogs and cats have anal sacs, that may become impacted or infected if they are not emptying properly. This causes scooting, itching, bad odour, and can be painful to your pet. Severe cases may create an abscess and rupture. Learn the signs of anal sac problems and how to keep your pet comfortable and scoot-free. 


5. My pet just had a seizure, what should I do?

Seizures are frightening to witness. Stay calm. Try to time how long the seizure lasts. The first thing to do is to stay clear. Seizing animals may bite (without knowing it) and trying to hold them down may cause injury. They will not 'swallow their tongue' as you may have heard. Keep fingers away from the pet's mouth. Remove any objects in the area that can injure the animal.

Call your vetWith the first seizure, the patient receives a full physical exam, blood work up, and is monitored.  Seizure control medications usually wait at this point. UNLESS the first seizure is a severe cluster seizure (several happening at once) or a continual seizure called Status Epilepticus, this is a medical emergency. If anything is found on physical or blood work that may cause seizures, the underlying conditions will be addressed and treated.

6. Help! My Pet May Have Been Poisoned

Poisons may be eaten, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled. Poisonings can mimic many things. Some poisons act immediately, some take days to appear, potentially making diagnosis difficult.

What Are Some Common Signs Seen with Poisoning?

  1. Muscle tremors or seizures
  2. Vomiting and or diarrhoea, sometimes with blood
  3. Excessive salivation - drooling or foaming
  4. Redness of skin, ears, eyes
  5. Mental depression or excitement (may be easily excitable)
  6. Bleeding (as with rat poison ingestion)
  7. Ulceration or blisters of the mouth or skin
  8. Excessive pawing at the mouth, excessive licking
  9. Swelling (i.e. of a limb or face, commonly seen with insect bites and stings)
  10. Elevated or depressed body temperature (elevations usually due to increased muscle activity, tremors, seizures)

Call your veterinarian or veterinary emergency clinic immediately if you suspect your pet has been poisoned.

7. Do pets need their teeth cleaned?

Healthy Mouth = Healthier Life.

My pet has bad breath. Are bad teeth and gums the cause?

Most likely, yes. However, it is very important to schedule a visit to the veterinarian. In rare cases, some diseases or situations can cause bad breath in the absence of, or in addition to, tooth/gum disease.

Conditions such as kidney failure, diabetes, nasal or facial skin infections, oral cancers, or situations where the animal is ingesting faeces or other materials, can cause bad breath with or without periodontal disease.

8. What Is Pancreatitis?

The pancreas sits in the abdominal cavity of a dog's body next to its stomach. It is a thin, long, organ that is pinkish in color. 

Normally it assists in the digestive process by producing various enzymes, as well as hormones that help regulate insulin.

If a dog has pancreatitis, these normal functions may be affected and secondary problems in other parts of the abdomen may also occur. Common secondary problems include issues with the gallbladder, liver, and intestines, due to the close proximity of these organs to the pancreas. Pancreatitis also causes inflammation of the pancreas and is very painful to dogs.

Typically, pancreatitis is referred to either as acute or chronic, respectively meaning it either occurred quickly and then lasts for days or it has lasted months or sometimes years. Dogs can experience both types of pancreatitis and some breeds are more likely to develop it than others.

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If you still have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or request an appointment online.

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